Animal welfare comes first
Controlled organic husbandry

Animal welfare comes first
Controlled organic husbandry.
For us, natural living conditions are an essential prerequisite for the very best quality.
That is why 100% of the ingredients for our Bestvital® organic colostrum products come from German and Austrian organic farms, where the health of cows and calves always comes first thanks to species-appropriate animal husbandry.
For us, the calf comes first
We only use surplus milkings.
The very first colostrum produced by the mother is, of course, always given to the calf. It is essential for the health and survival of the new-born. Of course, this is also in the primary interest of every farmer.
However, since the mother produces considerably more colostrum (approx. 15-20 l) than the calf needs (approx. 5-7 l), the surplus (which was usually simply poured away in the past) can thus also be utilised for humans.
In this context, professional further processing of the first batch is particularly important. Our Bestvital® organic colostrum products are therefore produced using the most modern and gentle processing methods in the world.

Our organic colostrum is certified
For an uncompromising standard.
Our company has been certified organic since 2007, under control number DE-ÖKO-006. Issued and state-monitored by the ÖKO controlling body ABCERT AG in Esslingen.
This operating certificate entitles the holder to purchase, process and distribute products from certified organic livestock. That is why Bestvital® organic colostrum products are uniformly labelled with the certified organic seal.

Bestvital® organic colostrum products are therefore subject to a complete and very conscientious quality control, all the way from the cow to you.
Far-reaching requirements, from species-appropriate animal husbandry and pesticide-free cultivation of pastureland to gentle processing of the colostrum raw material, are of course a prerequisite.
The strict organic regulation of the European Union also ensures that Bestvital® brand products are guaranteed free of inhibitors (antibiotics) and hormone residues, as well as harmful metabolic end products and BSE. And, of course, completely GMO-free.